Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is the most fun and/or interesting aspect of capoeira for you? Why? Explain!


  1. I think everyone would agree that the roda is almost always the most interesting thing in capoeira class. I always like to sing and play the instruments, and watch as people try new things.

  2. i like it when we are all doing the moves together it looks like a dance. its fun because we get a good work out from it.

  3. I totally agree with kaylin..the roda is lots of fun especially playing the instruments and singing out loud.

  4. I think the best thing about capoeira is when we do the roda is fun. Also the best thing is when we learn new steps it fun.

  5. I would agree with everyone else because the roda is when everyone is able to come together to sing, play music and play against eachother. The roda is everything our hard work is being put into.

  6. i agree with everyone that the rodas are the fun part of capoeira but also when we learn a new step. is always fun to learn new steps.
